Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Feeding My Soul

I didn’t write yesterday. I had a 9-day streak that I hadn’t rivaled since last November. I am happy with the progress I have made lately, so I forgave myself when I didn’t have the energy to sit down here and get some words on the page.

I can honestly say the biggest reason I have been able to get “arse in chair, words on page” in the last nine days was because Ed was cooking dinner. He prepared a new home-cooked meal every night for eight days straight. No takeout, no repeaters, no sandwiches. It was real food, and there was a variety:  chicken, steak, fish, pasta. We had it all! He was proud to say that he used all the major appliances, as well:  oven, stove, microwave, air fryer, Insta-Pot, and slow cooker. The man was on a roll! This run as head chef has never happened in our twenty-five plus years together.

Everyone knows I hate cooking. I have not kept it a secret, faked it or denied it. For years I longed for Ed to find the time to take the lead in the kitchen and prepare the evening meals. He is, after all, a lot better at it than I am. He is more creative in the kitchen, as well as more daring. He is willing to try new things and if it doesn’t come out the way he hoped, then he orders take-out and commits to making appropriate changes for the next attempt. We approach cooking in two completely different ways. I address it the same way that a Black Ops team approaches an extraction:  move in, clean sweep, accomplish the objective and get out. Ed arrives in the kitchen with the spirit of Jula Child on his shoulder and the bravissimo of Emeril in everything he touches. “Bam!” Yes, he just did that.

Not having to cook gave me HOURS back into my day. Even on the nights I cleaned up after dinner, I was still able to get more done than I have achieved in the last six months of evenings. Jake jumped in on Monday and prepared the entire meal for the family and I had yet another night of personal accomplishments. Not having to prepare dinner is the heftiest task off my To Do List, and it rarely actually makes its way onto the list because it’s usually just a given. For the last nine days I had mental clarity, focus for me, and an opportunity to feel less burdened by what I needed to provide for other people. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t take care of my family. Instead, I managed to clean the entire house, order groceries, and continue to take Miranda to work and pick her back up. Jax and I got our outside time, I got my work done for Matt and I got my writing done. The mental anguish of what to prepare each night is enough time out of my day that it interferes with the rest of the housework I must finish. Cooking dinner on a nightly basis really has been the bane of my existence.

In the last few years, I have stopped beating myself up for not liking to cook, and for not being able to do it seven nights a week. I was much better when the kids were little, but as they got older and everyone’s schedules shifted away from the family unit because of sports and jobs, I found satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment in cooking four nights a week. One night was leftovers, one night was take out, and one night was “You’re on your own. Figure it out for yourselves.” It wasn’t a perfect system, but it worked for me. I hoped it worked for my family.

So, I didn’t write last night. Why? Because I cooked dinner and I cleaned up the kitchen afterwards by myself, like I’ve done most nights of the last two decades. This was after doing the housework and work for Matt. After picking Miranda up from work. It’s that simple. I cannot do it all. Something’s always gotta give.

That is why it is 10:15AM and I am sitting here to get the thoughts in my head out now. It’s about priorities. I wish that Ed would cook dinner for the rest of our lives, but I am not sure that he has that long of a run in him. I am delirious with appreciation over the last nine days! I will keep my fingers crossed and hope for more. But in case the duty does fall primarily back to me, I will have already gotten my writing in for the day. It just means that maybe the dusting doesn’t get done today.

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